In the first adventure book from Pathwalker One, a darkness threatens to snuff out the last light of America.

The assassination attempt on President Abraham Lincoln has been successfully averted, providing a potent catalyst for unity between the North and the South. This newfound harmony holds promise for an era of prosperity and tranquility. Vast riches and unending glory await the courageous, but for those intrepid souls journeying westward, monstrous entities, born of hell's deepest depths, lurk within the desert's blistering expanse.

In the burgeoning township of Greycross, the local parish invites one and all to a grand tournament, igniting fervor and anticipation among the townsfolk. The eloquent assurances of Bishop Atherton fuel their aspirations, yet something insidious lurks just below the surface.

With the threat of the undead, and other forces of darkness, rampaging through the western frontier— a team of Supernatural Regulators has been sent to set things right. Evils left long in the dark will be laid bare under the relentless desert sun.

The future of the frontier is precarious, balanced delicately in your hands. Will you ride towards your destiny?

Inside this book, you'll find:

  • A copy of the Pathwalker One Core Rules (v1.4) for quick reference, complete with custom Path Art designed for The Withered West.

  • A wealth of information for Wayfinders to bring The Withered West to life.

  • A guide for crafting your own adventures set on The Fantasy Frontier

  • Parts 1-4 of “The Curse of the Mad Bishop”, the first adventure designed specifically for both Pathwalker One & The Withered West.