In Pathwalker One, all gameplay revolves around The 9 Traits. These nine scores determine the number of dice players roll when attempting to overcome an obstacle. Every action can be linked to one of the 9 Traits, which are broadly defined below. It should be noted that rolls can be skipped in any situation where it would be logical to do so. For example, if an enemy is standing twenty feet away from a character unobscured in broad daylight, it would not be necessary for a player to roll Awareness to see them.

  • AWARENESS represents a character's ability to perceive their environment. It measures how alert they are to their surroundings, and how easily they can notice small details, hidden passages, or traps. For example, a player's character enters an ancient, dusty chamber. They can roll Awareness to notice a hidden lever that opens a secret passage.

  • CHARM represents a character's charisma and ability to perform well under pressure. This Trait can be used to bluff, distract, or entertain, and is essential for those who wish to excel in social situations. For example, during a tense negotiation with a local warlord, a player can roll Charm to convincingly argue for safe passage through the region.

  • ENDURANCE represents a character's ability to withstand physical damage or harmful effects. It measures their ability to resist an enemy's barrage, a fall from a high place, or even traumatizing psychological damage. For example, after being caught in an explosion, a player can roll Endurance to resist damage and remain standing.

  • MAGIC represents a character's ability to manipulate reality through mystical, supernatural, or advanced technological means. It measures their capacity to cast spells or utilize futuristic technology to achieve their goals. For example, a player may roll Magic to disarm a magical trap by unraveling its arcane energies.

  • MIGHT represents a character's physical strength. It measures their capacity to overcome any situation requiring a test of strength and is the main Trait used in physical altercations. For example, a character faces a heavy portcullis barring their way. They can roll Might to lift it and allow their party to pass.

  • SAGE represents a character's knowledge and understanding of the world, including other religions, ancient histories, and various technologies. It also measures their ability to out-think their enemies and craft useful items. For example, if a player encounters an ancient inscription, they can roll Sage to decipher its meaning.

  • SUBTERFUGE represents a character's capacity to perform actions unseen. It measures their ability to hide in the shadows, pick locks, hack consoles, and navigate without being spotted. For example, if a character attempts to stealthily bypass a pair of guards, they can roll Subterfuge to move undetected.

  • SURVIVAL represents a character's ability to navigate the world and use their instincts to determine what will be harmful or helpful to their cause. It measures their ability to bandage wounds, navigate back alleys and open wilds, and track quarries across any terrain. For example, a player in a dense forest can roll Survival to forage for food, or the supplies to heal an illness.

  • SWIFTNESS represents a character's capacity to move quickly and deftly. It measures their ability to close the distance between allies and enemies, dodge powers and other attacks, and employ ranged weapons in combat. For example, in a heated battle, a character can roll Swiftness to dodge an incoming arrow. Swiftness can also be used when a character needs to climb or scale an object; and is the Trait employed when entering Combat Flow.